JGR MSTS Editors and Tools
Append<(Of <(<'U>)>)> Method (child)
NamespacesJgr.IO.ParserDataTreePath<(Of <(<'T>)>)>Append<(Of <<'(U>)>>)(U)

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Appends child to the last step in the [!:DataTreePath].
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public T Append<U>(
	U child
where U : class, IDataTreeNode
Public Function Append(Of U As {Class, IDataTreeNode}) ( _
	child As U _
) As T
generic<typename U>
where U : ref class, IDataTreeNode
T Append(
	U child
Generic Template Parameters

[Missing <typeparam name="U"/> documentation for "M:Jgr.IO.Parser.DataTreePath`1.Append``1(``0)"]

child (U)
The child to append.
Return Value
The new root of the tree.

Assembly: JGR.IO.Parser (Module: JGR.IO.Parser) Version: 0.5.4008.31682