Open Rails

MstsSignalAspect Enumeration

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Describe the various aspects (or signal indication states) that MSTS signals can have. Within MSTS known as SIGASP_ values. Note: They are in order from most restrictive to least restrictive.

public enum MstsSignalAspect


Member Name Description
STOPStop (absolute)
STOP_AND_PROCEEDStop and proceed
APPROACH_1Final caution before 'stop' or 'stop and proceed'
APPROACH_2Advanced caution
APPROACH_3Least restrictive advanced caution
CLEAR_1Clear to next signal
CLEAR_2Clear to next signal (least restrictive)
UNKNOWNSignal aspect is unknown (possibly not yet defined)


Namespace: Orts.Formats.Msts

Assembly: Orts.Formats.Msts (in Orts.Formats.Msts.dll)

See Also

Orts.Formats.Msts Namespace