Silver's Simple Site - Weblog - 2005 - December - 17


It's been released, but may take a few days to appear on This update fixes the userlist/tab switching issue mentioned previously, as well as some less interesting things, like adding support for /dcc-accept with non-regexp parameters.

As ever, the revisions list has the gory details, including bug links and download link for those too impatient for

Permalink | Author: | Tags: ChatZilla | Posted: 02:14AM on Saturday, 17 December, 2005 | Comments: 0

Weblog URL updates

Well, I finally got around to nuking that annoying ".pl" in the weblog's URLs - all the URLs should now not include it. Naturally, I've put a redirect from to weblog, so no links should break.

It took quite a bit of thinking, but it works - not showing file extensions is not one of IIS' strong points, however, it has more than enough power to do it if you know what you're doing. :-)

Please comment here if you find any bugs or other issues with this change, or indeed any part of the weblog system.

Permalink | Author: | Tags: Weblog | Posted: 03:23AM on Saturday, 17 December, 2005 | Comments: 0

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