Automatic merge of T1.5.1-1402-g5d79907e1 and 12 pull requests
Pull request #1006 at 9c13d5141: Bugfix: Content Form exception when there is manually installed content in a top level directory.
Pull request #891 at 9a1d6b20f: Auto save
Pull request #892 at 1f5ba4c81: Signal Function OPP_SIG_ID_TRAINPATH
Pull request #953 at a51945203: Fix Lights Crash on Corrupt Shapes
Pull request #961 at 8a9c8f9b4: Improvements for Power Supplies
Pull request #981 at 10d297f8c: Multiple type trainset lightglows
Pull request #995 at 95da33bae: Fix: TrainCarOperations and TrainOperationsViewer windows overlap.
Pull request #996 at 2fcbcde10: Replace dynamic brakes by engine brakes at low speeds
Pull request #1004 at 1828d9719: Bugfix/fix train car operations brakehoses not sync coupling cars
Pull request #900 at c27f32d9c: DMI updates
Pull request #876 at f92de7665: docs: add source for documents previously on website to source Documentation folder
Pull request #1003 at c73459223: Clean up logging during loading #or-std-log