Project Summary

Author: Open Rails Team

Language: C#

License: GPL-3.0-only

Browse: Builds, Log, Triage, Documentation, Repository

Last automatic build: U2024.07.25-1838 2024-07-25 19:43:20

Build status:

Last changed: 2024-07-25 12:39:47

git clone

Silver's Simple Site - Projects - Open Rails

Open Rails is a train simulator that supports the world's largest range of digital content. Accurate behaviour for steam, diesel and electric traction including trains with multiple locos. Signals which correctly protect the train and permit complex timetabled operations. Multi-user mode in which any timetabled train can be driven in person or by computer.


Open Rails Code Bot started at 2024-07-27 06:22:20Z
GitHub organisation: openrails
GitHub team:         development-team
GitHub repository:   openrails
GitHub base branch:  master
GitHub merge branch: unstable
Team members (17):
Open pull requests (33):
 #57 Ensure that build fails when tests fail to run
   By:     twpol
   Branch: bugfix/net4-test-runner
   Draft:  True
   Labels: not-for-unstable
   Allowed to auto-merge? False
 #527 Brake cuts power refactor and new parameters
   By:     Sharpe49
   Branch: brake-cuts-power-refactor
   Draft:  False
   Labels: enhancement not-for-unstable
   Allowed to auto-merge? False
 #541 Initial Virtual File System development
   By:     pzgulyas
   Branch: ziparchive
   Draft:  True
   Labels: enhancement not-for-unstable
   Allowed to auto-merge? False
 #570 Experimental glTF 2.0 support with PBR lighting
   By:     pzgulyas
   Branch: gltf2
   Draft:  False
   Labels: enhancement not-for-unstable
   Allowed to auto-merge? False
 #799 Consolidated wind simulation
   By:     twpol
   Branch: feature/one-true-wind
   Draft:  True
   Labels: enhancement
   Allowed to auto-merge? True
 #800 Changes to migrate from Launchpad Bugs to GitHub Issues
   By:     cjakeman
   Branch: migrate-bugtracker
   Draft:  False
   Labels: website documentation not-for-unstable infrastructure
   Allowed to auto-merge? False
 #839 First phase of
   By:     Csantucci
   Branch: further-cc-parameters
   Draft:  False
   Labels: enhancement
   Allowed to auto-merge? True
 #848 Ported Launcher.exe over to AvaloniaUI and .NET 6.0 to get platform independency.
   By:     LaT3St
   Branch: master
   Draft:  False
   Labels: question
   Allowed to auto-merge? False
 #876 docs: add source for documents previously on website to source Documentation folder
   By:     cjakeman
   Branch: update-Documentation-folder
   Draft:  True
   Labels: documentation
   Allowed to auto-merge? True
 #882 Blueprint/train car operations UI window
   By:     mbm-OR
   Branch: blueprint/TrainCarOperations-ui-window
   Draft:  False
   Labels: enhancement
   Allowed to auto-merge? True
 #884 build: Additional settings for dotnet build
   By:     twpol
   Branch: feature/dotnet-build
   Draft:  True
   Labels: not-for-unstable infrastructure
   Allowed to auto-merge? False
 #885 feat: Add notifications to Menu
   By:     cjakeman
   Branch: add-menu-notifications
   Draft:  True
   Labels: enhancement
   Allowed to auto-merge? True
 #886 Scene viewer extension to TrackViewer
   By:     pzgulyas
   Branch: tv3d-m
   Draft:  True
   Labels: not-for-unstable
   Allowed to auto-merge? False
 #891 Auto save
   By:     Roeterdink
   Branch: AutoSave
   Draft:  False
   Labels: enhancement for-unstable
   Allowed to auto-merge? True
 #892 Signal Function OPP_SIG_ID_TRAINPATH
   By:     Roeterdink
   Draft:  False
   Labels: enhancement
   Allowed to auto-merge? True
 #896 First implementation of
   By:     Csantucci
   Branch: AI-Train-Sound-official
   Draft:  True
   Labels: enhancement
   Allowed to auto-merge? True
 #900 DMI updates
   By:     pzgulyas
   Branch: dmi280
   Draft:  True
   Labels: for-unstable
   Allowed to auto-merge? True
 #903 Downloading route content (Github, zip)
   By:     sweiland-openrails
   Branch: downloadContent
   Draft:  True
   Labels: enhancement for-unstable
   Allowed to auto-merge? True
 #919 Added mouse wheel support for controls which can be moved by pressing t…
   By:     sweiland-openrails
   Branch: MouseWheelSupport
   Draft:  True
   Labels: not-for-unstable
   Allowed to auto-merge? False
 #922 Autopilot for timetable mode
   By:     Csantucci
   Branch: timetable-autopilot-official
   Draft:  False
   Labels: enhancement
   Allowed to auto-merge? True
 #936 ContentManager Enhancement: show more info for consists
   By:     rwf-rr
   Branch: contentmanager-add-to-consist-info
   Draft:  False
   Allowed to auto-merge? False
 #946 Advanced track sounds
   By:     peternewell
   Branch: curve-squeal#3
   Draft:  True
   Labels: enhancement
   Allowed to auto-merge? True
 #952 Investigation - Pulsing graphics
   By:     twpol
   Branch: investigation/pulsing-graphics
   Draft:  True
   Labels: bug
   Allowed to auto-merge? True
 #953 Fix Lights Crash on Corrupt Shapes
   By:     SteelFill
   Branch: lights_bugfix
   Draft:  False
   Allowed to auto-merge? True
 #954 Multiple Track Profiles & Superelevation Improvements
   By:     SteelFill
   Branch: multi_track_profiles
   Draft:  True
   Allowed to auto-merge? True
 #958 Switch panel (web based) enhancements
   By:     sweiland-openrails
   Branch: SwitchPanel2
   Draft:  True
   Labels: not-for-unstable
   Allowed to auto-merge? False
 #959 Fix TrackViewer crash on big zoom value
   By:     Fred-si
   Branch: master
   Draft:  False
   Labels: bug for-unstable
   Allowed to auto-merge? True
 #961 Improvements for Power Supplies
   By:     cesarBLG
   Branch: powersupply-scripts
   Draft:  True
   Labels: enhancement not-for-unstable
   Allowed to auto-merge? False
 #962 Fix pantographs on unpowered cars
   By:     cesarBLG
   Branch: pantograph-fix
   Draft:  False
   Allowed to auto-merge? True
 #968 Initial build of adding track section identifier for rack railway
   By:     peternewell
   Branch: rack_railway
   Draft:  True
   Labels: enhancement
   Allowed to auto-merge? True
 #969 Bugfix refocus to the main window when opening  the map window
   By:     sweiland-openrails
   Branch: mapSettingsSavedBugfix
   Draft:  False
   Labels: bug for-unstable
   Allowed to auto-merge? True
 #970 feat: Remove unnecessary Windows.Forms usage
   By:     twpol
   Branch: feature/less-windows-forms
   Draft:  False
   Labels: enhancement
   Allowed to auto-merge? True
 #971 fix: Restore assembly info which allows platform compatibility checks
   By:     twpol
   Branch: warning/ca1416
   Draft:  False
   Labels: bug
   Allowed to auto-merge? True
Pull requests suitable for auto-merging (21):
 #891 Auto save
 #959 Fix TrackViewer crash on big zoom value
 #969 Bugfix refocus to the main window when opening  the map window
 #839 First phase of
 #882 Blueprint/train car operations UI window
 #892 Signal Function OPP_SIG_ID_TRAINPATH
 #922 Autopilot for timetable mode
 #953 Fix Lights Crash on Corrupt Shapes
 #962 Fix pantographs on unpowered cars
 #970 feat: Remove unnecessary Windows.Forms usage
 #971 fix: Restore assembly info which allows platform compatibility checks
 #900 DMI updates
 #903 Downloading route content (Github, zip)
 #799 Consolidated wind simulation
 #876 docs: add source for documents previously on website to source Documentation folder
 #885 feat: Add notifications to Menu
 #896 First implementation of
 #946 Advanced track sounds
 #952 Investigation - Pulsing graphics
 #954 Multiple Track Profiles & Superelevation Improvements
 #968 Initial build of adding track section identifier for rack railway
Preparing repository...
 > git --no-pager fetch --update-head-ok
 > git --no-pager reset --hard
 < HEAD is now at 4fce9f7297 Automatic merge of T1.5.1-1083-g7ca36e39f1 and 20 pull requests
 > git --no-pager clean --force -d -x
 > git --no-pager checkout --quiet --detach 7ca36e39f1aaf8181534a870803efb7a808a564a
Merging #891 Auto save...
 > git --no-pager merge --quiet --no-edit --no-ff -Xignore-space-change 9a1d6b20fc7f44d586cbb1c4384993b496b4c2ad
 < Auto-merging Source/Menu/Options.Designer.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Menu/Options.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/ORTS.Settings/UserSettings.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/Viewer.cs
Merging #959 Fix TrackViewer crash on big zoom value...
 > git --no-pager merge --quiet --no-edit --no-ff -Xignore-space-change 2452cb0ade94c9543a6b37b88608dfe1e9072562
Merging #969 Bugfix refocus to the main window when opening  the map window...
 > git --no-pager merge --quiet --no-edit --no-ff -Xignore-space-change 9d53199fa6336c97aba0655fa6009f62bd061f73
Merging #839 First phase of
 > git --no-pager merge --quiet --no-edit --no-ff -Xignore-space-change d00beb98334dc2e4cc74fa7debc6760bd4c3a804
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/RollingStocks/MSTSLocomotive.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/RollingStocks/SubSystems/CruiseControl.cs
Merging #882 Blueprint/train car operations UI window...
 > git --no-pager merge --quiet --no-edit --no-ff -Xignore-space-change 8f695a4bc98ab24af387c763061e140735e34212
 < Auto-merging Source/Documentation/Manual/software-platform.rst
 < Auto-merging Source/ORTS.Common/Input/UserCommand.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/ORTS.Settings/InputSettings.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/ORTS.Settings/UserSettings.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Common/Commands.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/Physics/Train.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/RollingStocks/SubSystems/Brakes/BrakeSystem.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/RollingStocks/SubSystems/Brakes/MSTS/AirSinglePipe.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/RunActivity.csproj
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/Materials.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/Popups/TrainDPUWindow.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/Processes/GameStateRunActivity.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/RollingStock/MSTSLocomotiveViewer.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/Viewer.cs
Merging #892 Signal Function OPP_SIG_ID_TRAINPATH...
 > git --no-pager merge --quiet --no-edit --no-ff -Xignore-space-change 1f5ba4c81b4cda5097d56b671c464767dc6d50f7
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Formats.Msts/SignalScripts.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/Signalling/SIGSCRfile.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/Signalling/SignalObject.cs
Merging #922 Autopilot for timetable mode...
 > git --no-pager merge --quiet --no-edit --no-ff -Xignore-space-change a3bc9e701eeec7d83743567bb85a8687d241739c
 < Auto-merging Source/Documentation/Manual/driving.rst
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/AIs/AI.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/AIs/AITrain.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/Physics/Train.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/RollingStocks/MSTSLocomotive.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/RollingStocks/MSTSSteamLocomotive.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/RollingStocks/SubSystems/PowerSupplies/CircuitBreaker.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/RollingStocks/SubSystems/TrainControlSystem.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/RollingStocks/TrainCar.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/Simulator.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/Timetables/TTTrain.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/Lights.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/Popups/HUDWindow.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/Popups/HelpWindow.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/Popups/NextStationWindow.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/Popups/TrainDPUWindow.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/RollingStock/MSTSLocomotiveViewer.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/Viewer.cs
Merging #953 Fix Lights Crash on Corrupt Shapes...
 > git --no-pager merge --quiet --no-edit --no-ff -Xignore-space-change a51945203c969ce62941872a23494dfb01c90db1
Merging #962 Fix pantographs on unpowered cars...
 > git --no-pager merge --quiet --no-edit --no-ff -Xignore-space-change 46d0472f6710b07322509141c271b10049ec9405
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/RollingStocks/MSTSWagon.cs
Merging #970 feat: Remove unnecessary Windows.Forms usage...
 > git --no-pager merge --quiet --no-edit --no-ff -Xignore-space-change 6fa5eed2f98fac901585e7d60ed78c6500f84f84
 < Auto-merging Source/Menu/Options.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/ORTS.Settings/UserSettings.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/Popups/HelpWindow.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/Processes/GameStateRunActivity.cs
Merging #971 fix: Restore assembly info which allows platform compatibility checks...
 > git --no-pager merge --quiet --no-edit --no-ff -Xignore-space-change 41f70961b7496943cd331918aaff582a33ea43fd
 < Auto-merging Source/ORTS.Settings/ORTS.Settings.csproj
 < CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in Source/ORTS.Settings/ORTS.Settings.csproj
 < Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
 > git --no-pager reset --hard
 < HEAD is now at 0dae0b7b9f Merge commit '6fa5eed2f98fac901585e7d60ed78c6500f84f84' into HEAD
 > git --no-pager clean --force -d -x
 Error: git merge --quiet --no-edit --no-ff -Xignore-space-change 41f70961b7496943cd331918aaff582a33ea43fd failed: 1
Merging #900 DMI updates...
 > git --no-pager merge --quiet --no-edit --no-ff -Xignore-space-change c27f32d9c8e6bd08d80a30fbfc8ae11bfbb01819
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/Materials.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/RollingStock/MSTSLocomotiveViewer.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/RollingStock/SubSystems/ETCS/DriverMachineInterface.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/Shapes.cs
Merging #903 Downloading route content (Github, zip)...
 > git --no-pager merge --quiet --no-edit --no-ff -Xignore-space-change 9dabe978ad91853f7004e4e98ddad5469b3891c9
 < Auto-merging Source/Documentation/Manual/start.rst
 < Auto-merging Source/Menu/MainForm.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Menu/Menu.csproj
 < Auto-merging Source/Menu/Options.Designer.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Menu/Options.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/ORTS.Settings/ORTS.Settings.csproj
 < Auto-merging Source/ORTS.Settings/UserSettings.cs
Merging #799 Consolidated wind simulation...
 > git --no-pager merge --quiet --no-edit --no-ff -Xignore-space-change dfc715e503d2234b030bd8955a4c6e414603e669
 < Auto-merging Source/ORTS.Settings/UserSettings.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/AIs/AITrain.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/Physics/Train.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/RollingStocks/MSTSLocomotive.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/RollingStocks/MSTSWagon.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/Materials.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/Popups/HUDWindow.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/RollingStock/MSTSLocomotiveViewer.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/Shaders.cs
Merging #876 docs: add source for documents previously on website to source Documentation folder...
 > git --no-pager merge --quiet --no-edit --no-ff -Xignore-space-change f92de7665b04bfea0458cecb457ea7c288c096d3
Merging #885 feat: Add notifications to Menu...
 > git --no-pager merge --quiet --no-edit --no-ff -Xignore-space-change 6426c6f92cfbe61494b25de0616daff8438b3e67
 < Auto-merging Source/Menu/MainForm.Designer.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Menu/MainForm.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Menu/Menu.csproj
 < Auto-merging Source/Menu/Program.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/ORTS.Common/SystemInfo.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/ORTS.Updater/UpdateManager.cs
Merging #896 First implementation of
 > git --no-pager merge --quiet --no-edit --no-ff -Xignore-space-change 5866028cf210ce6da161a99ee034c6366e04b25a
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Common/Events.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/AIs/AITrain.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/Physics/Train.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/Simulator.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/Timetables/TTTrain.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/RollingStock/MSTSWagonViewer.cs
Merging #946 Advanced track sounds...
 > git --no-pager merge --quiet --no-edit --no-ff -Xignore-space-change 91a03af2d0dd78136efe8a75596bc4a81ffdd4ef
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/RollingStocks/MSTSWagon.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/RollingStocks/TrainCar.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/Popups/HUDWindow.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/Viewer.cs
Merging #952 Investigation - Pulsing graphics...
 > git --no-pager merge --quiet --no-edit --no-ff -Xignore-space-change 8347095ac61d4119b5eb3cf71dd7897af10d7a6e
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/Signalling/Signals.cs
Merging #954 Multiple Track Profiles & Superelevation Improvements...
 > git --no-pager merge --quiet --no-edit --no-ff -Xignore-space-change f837ffd8e9dfde408d3d917fc302b2402cb5e23d
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Formats.Msts/TrackDatabaseFile.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/Shapes.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/Viewer.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/World.cs
Merging #968 Initial build of adding track section identifier for rack railway...
 > git --no-pager merge --quiet --no-edit --no-ff -Xignore-space-change a88cb26ce2d8cfadff7d8a0c70fba80c303656cb
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/RollingStocks/MSTSLocomotive.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/RollingStocks/MSTSSteamLocomotive.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/RollingStocks/MSTSWagon.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/Orts.Simulation/Simulation/RollingStocks/TrainCar.cs
 < Auto-merging Source/RunActivity/Viewer3D/Popups/HUDWindow.cs
Pull requests successfully auto-merged (20):
 #891 Auto save
 #959 Fix TrackViewer crash on big zoom value
 #969 Bugfix refocus to the main window when opening  the map window
 #839 First phase of
 #882 Blueprint/train car operations UI window
 #892 Signal Function OPP_SIG_ID_TRAINPATH
 #922 Autopilot for timetable mode
 #953 Fix Lights Crash on Corrupt Shapes
 #962 Fix pantographs on unpowered cars
 #970 feat: Remove unnecessary Windows.Forms usage
 #900 DMI updates
 #903 Downloading route content (Github, zip)
 #799 Consolidated wind simulation
 #876 docs: add source for documents previously on website to source Documentation folder
 #885 feat: Add notifications to Menu
 #896 First implementation of
 #946 Advanced track sounds
 #952 Investigation - Pulsing graphics
 #954 Multiple Track Profiles & Superelevation Improvements
 #968 Initial build of adding track section identifier for rack railway
Pull requests not auto-merged (1):
 #971 fix: Restore assembly info which allows platform compatibility checks
No changes to push into merge branch
 > git --no-pager checkout --quiet unstable
Open Rails Code Bot finished at 2024-07-27 06:22:44Z

Continuous Integration graphs

Test results

Static analysis violations

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