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ChatZilla's Munger

It's in need of some slight attention right now. The main problem is that it always prefers munger entries that were enumerated first, which equates to added first in Spidermonkey (Mozilla's JS Engine).

I filed the bug on it a while ago now, but it recently came to my attention that Wikipedia actually had a script that broke stuff because of it. I've corrected the script with version 1.2 so it doesn't completely break normal links, but the real bug still stands.

Permalink | Author: | Tags: Mozilla, ChatZilla, Bugs | Posted: 03:32PM on Sunday, 05 June, 2005 | Comments: 0

File, Edit and View

You don't use those menus, do you? Good, because now you can't in ChatZilla on current Mozilla and Firefox builds! The menus vanished mysteriously one morning, after DOM Inspector got a menu hack-attack. If it weren't for a slight problem with :empty, it'd be ok, but it's not.

Edit: bsmedberg had a good idea to hack around the :empty problem, which I've done into a patch. Hopefully this will be fixed soon in trunk (and will be in

Permalink | Author: | Tags: Mozilla, ChatZilla, Bugs | Posted: 05:05PM on Sunday, 05 June, 2005 | Modified: 05:41PM on Sunday, 05 June, 2005 | Comments: 0

What's in a Menu?

Everything: you use them almost all the time when using the mouse, and pretty often when using the keyboard - though it varies depending on the app.

ChatZilla's menus have been evolving over time since they first appeared, probably at least 5 years ago now, and are a in a bit of a mess. As part of fixing this, I've drawn up the current menus in the Mozilla Wiki. If anyone wants to move stuff around, into the "right" place, and add notes, they're welcome to, after all, it's a Wiki.

Permalink | Author: | Tags: Mozilla, ChatZilla, Bugs | Posted: 04:45PM on Tuesday, 12 July, 2005 | Comments: 0

Anger Rising

It's not a good day, and there's plenty to piss me off:

  • Someone broke the authentication for Trac (wants-to-be-Bugzilla when it grows up thing) for the IRC bot I work on.
  • Possibly same someone put a disrespectful message on the test version of the new Computing Society website.
  • Still no-one wants to review the patch which is blocking my theme work.
  • My ISP is dropping my ADSL connection an average of 15 times a day for the last two weeks.

Permalink | Author: | Tags: Mozilla, Theming, Bugs | Posted: 02:14PM on Saturday, 20 May, 2006 | Comments: 0

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